Annual SUbcription and membership and Discount card

The Annual Membership was introduced in 2023. It was designed to help individuals stay engaged with their running for the calendar year. It provides unlimited access to all run groups (excluding charity events). It is priced at £160 for 2025 (two payments of £80 in January and July). This includes the Mileage Challenge below.
The Mile Challenge, is where your mileage throughout the year will earn a bespoke medal for reaching certain distances in the calendar year.
Bronze - 500 miles, Silver - 800 miles and Gold - 1000 miles.
This is priced at £10 individually for active Rundamentalist Run Club members
New membership discounts cards will provide runners with discounts from top local and national companies that supply quality products. This comes with an Annual Subscription which is £12.

The Details
My aim is to help you to commit to running, improve your running capabilities, in a encouraging and supportive environment throughout the year.
A pro rata refund will be issued if you sustain an injury and are out of action for any period of the year.
Discounts will be offered to members on future Fitness Racing and adhoc sessions, with unlimited access to group runs across all groups (Alphas, Inters and Couch to 5K).
Company Partners AND discounts
10% OFF Chilli Banana takeaway and table bill
10% OFF Yas Bean, food and drinks
10% OFF Tommy's Bar and Pizza
10% OFF Hang Tidy medal racks
15% OFF Mountain Fuel Sports Nutrition
15% OFF Run North West online and in-store
£10 OFF Shokz Bluetooth headsets
£5 OFF each session with Restorer Mobile Sports Massage Therapy.
Further details found in the Run Club members portal.
Over the last six years I have developed relationships with several companies which I believe offer fantastic products and share my ambition to be the best at what they do. I am proud that I can share their awesomeness through this range of offers exclusively for Rundamentalist membership card holders.
The Cost and 2025
Season Overview
The cost of the new annual subscription £12. You'll receive the Membership Discount Card and be entitled to enter the run clubs Race Series.
The 2025 Mileage Challenge is £10
Annual Membership is now available for £160. Two payments of £80 by 15th Jan and 1st July. This includes the 2025 Mileage challenge. Annual members can attend unlimited group run sessions and adhoc sessions
Alphas 4-6k Tuesdays 1830, Inters 5-10k Tuesdays 1930 on 9th Jan. More group can be found HERE
New for 2024 Online remote coaching plans. This can be done as 1:1 or in small groups.